giovedì 23 agosto 2012

North America Nebula

North America Nebula
This image layout reveals how the appearance of the North America nebula can change dramatically using different combinations of visible and infrared observations.
The North America Nebula is large, covering an area of 
more than four times the size of the full moon; but its surface brightness is low, so normally it cannot be seen with the unaided eye. Binoculars and telescopes with large fields of view (approximately 3°) will show it as a foggy patch of light under sufficiently dark skies. However, using a UHC filter, which filters out some unwanted wavelengths of light, it can be seen by the naked eye under dark skies. Its prominent shape and especially its reddish color (from the hydrogen Hα emission line) show up only in photographs of the area.
Cygnus's Wall is a term for the "Mexico and Central America part" of the North America Nebula. The Cygnus Wall exhibits the most concentrated star formations in the nebula.
The North America Nebula and the nearby Pelican Nebula, (IC 5070) are in fact parts of the same interstellar cloud of ionized hydrogen (H II region). Between the Earth and the nebula complex lies a band of interstellar dust that absorbs the light of stars and nebulae behind it, and thereby determines the shape as we see it. The distance of the nebula complex is not precisely known, nor is the star responsible for ionizing the hydrogen so that it emits light. If the star inducing the ionization is Deneb, as some sources say, the nebula complex would be about 1800 light years distance, and its absolute size (6° apparent diameter on the sky) would be 100 light years.
The nebula was discovered by William Herschel on October 24, 1786, from Slough, England.

The Astronomical Clock Clusone

The Astronomical Clock Clusone
A Clusone, Italy, is one of the most extraordinary astronomical clock.
The clock is located in the medieval tower located in the southwest of the Town Hall.
With a single hand indicates (as even the 3 concentr
ic rotating discs): the hours, days, months, signs of the zodiac, the position of the sun and moon and the duration of sunshine and darkness.
The only hard drive is the outermost of the Hours (m in diameter. 3.50).
Still intact, is one of the few watches of its time that still works with the original parts. Turn counterclockwise.
It 'was created in 1583 by an eclectic clusonese, Peter Fanzago, watchmaker, a hydraulic engineer, mathematician, founder of metals, etc.

Albert Einstein and Neils Bohr

Albert Einstein and Neils Bohr , photographed here by Paul Ehrenfest. The image was taken at the home of Ehrenfest in Leiden, for the 50th anniversary of the doctorate of Hendrik Lorentz, December 11, 1925.
Einstein's famous remark: "sinist
er action at a distance" has become almost a synonym to describe one of the most famous moments in the history of contemporary physics, namely, his battle with Bohr in the '30s, about the completeness of quantum mechanics. The "arms" of Einstein in this battle of the experiments were designed to emphasize conceptual who had what he believed were the inadequacies of the new theory. The most famous of these was the EPR Paradox, announced in 1935, and baptized with the names of its inventors: Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen.
the paradox involved a pair of particles linked together by the strange quantum property of entanglement (a word in-law much later). Entanglement occurs when two particles are so closely connected that share the same existence. In the language of quantum mechanics, are described by the same mathematical relationship, known as a function of wavelength.
The entanglement naturally arises when two particles are created at the same point in space at the same time. These can then be separated also greatly in space, but despite this, the mathematical calculations imply that a measurement on one of the particles immediately affect the other, regardless of the distance separating the two. Einstein and co. they indicate that according to special relativity, this was impossible, and therefore quantum mechanics must be wrong, or at least incomplete. This phenomenon was called by Einstein's "spooky action at a distance" that is a sinister or spooky action at a distance.

The EPR paradox was remarkable that Bohr was puzzled and could not find a solution. The paradox was resolved in 1964, long after Einstein's death. A fix was the physicist John Bell of CERN, I think that entanglement as an entirely new phenomenon that I call him "not local".

The basic idea here is to think about the transfer of information. Entanglement allows a particle instantaneously affecting another, but not in a way that allows information to travel faster than the classical light. This resolves the paradox with special relativity, but left intact much of the mystery. Today, the curious nature of entanglement is a subject of intense experiments in laboratories around the globe.

This is a bit 'of recorded history, but according to Hrvoje Nickoli, the Rudjer Boskovic Institute in Croatia, is not the complete story. Today, he managed to reveal that even if the story speaks for the first time for this paradox in 1935, Einstein had stumbled unwittingly into the same paradox much earlier, in 1930.

At that time, was working on yet another paradox, which then presented to the Solvay Conference in Brussels in 1930. This issue focused on the Heisenberg uncertainty relation between energy and time, so you can not measure both of these values with high accuracy.
 — con Kailas Chavan e Prashant Saroj.


This telescope is patrolling the cosmos in search of unwanted waste. The instrumentation radar Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in northern Shanxi province of China, was used to monitor the orbit module of the Chinese space

This is the supernova remnant RCW 86!

In 185 AD, Chinese astronomers recorded the appearance of a new star in the Nanmen asterism - a part of the sky identified with Alpha and Beta Centauri on modern star charts. The new star was visible for months and is thought to be the earliest recorded supernova. Shock velocities measured in the X-ray emitting shell and infrared dust temperatures indicate that the remnant is expanding extremely rapidly into a remarkable low density bubble created before the explosion by the white dwarf system. Near the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy, RCW 86 is about 8,200 light-years away and has an estimated radius of 50 light-years!

New observations of Jupiter.

The Very Large Telescope (VLT) carried out two hours of observation records of Jupiter using a novel technique to remove atmospheric blur. And what a result! Just look at that picture beautiful ... And this new image reveals changes in Jupi
ter's smog-like haze, probably in response to a planet-wide upheaval more than a year ago.
Being able to correct wide field images for atmospheric distortions has been the dream of scientists and engineers for decades. Astronomers have used a new device called the Multi-conjugate Adaptive Optics Demonstrator (MAD) prototype instrument mounted on ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT)
The new images of Jupiter prove the value of the advanced technology used by MAD, using two or more guide stars instead of one as references to remove the blur caused by atmospheric turbulence over a field of view thirty times larger than existing techniques.
"This type of adaptive optics has a big advantage for looking at large objects such as planets, star clusters and nebulae," says lead researcher Franck Marchis, from UC Berkeley and the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, USA . "While regular adaptive optics provides excellent correction in a small field of view, MAD provides good correction over a larger area of sky. And, in fact, were it not for MAD, we would not be able to perform these amazing observations" .